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BIPOC Athletes Experience (SNIWWOC)
SNIWWOC is hosting a virtual panel discussion event: BIPOC Athletes Experience on July 8 (Thu), 6PM PDT!
We are very fortunate to have three extraordinary racialized athletes Pamphinette Buisa, Victoria Marchand and Charity Williams join us.
Pamphinette Buisa has been living on Lekwungen Territories, also known as Victoria BC, to pursue her Olympic dreams and is a member of the National Senior Women’s Rugby 7’s team. Pamphinette is constantly sharing and bringing awareness about the social justice needed in this world including but not limited to racial justice, safe and inclusive sport for all bodies, harm reduction for people who use substances and is an advocate for people who live in shelters or are unhoused here in Victoria.
Victoria Marchand is a proud Anishinaabekwe from Kitigan Zibi and Long Point First Nations. As a proud community member, she helps organize grassroots initiatives, such as the Anishinabe Moose Moratorium and supports the Black grassroots organizations in Ottawa. Today, you can find Victoria training for the 2021 World Indigenous Games as the Captain of the National Indigenous Women’s Soccer Team as well as a former uOttawa Gee-Gee training for the FISU American Games in Mexico, 2022.
Charity Williams is a Jamaican, Canadian activist, community leader, and Olympian. Charity is the youth engagement coordinator for the BC Black History Awareness Society, where she is opening up safe and empowering spaces where BIPOC can feel seen and heard. As well as facilitating decolonizing and anti-Black/Indigenous racism workshops, Charity heads the BIPOC Working Group for her team Rugby Canada, where she is helping create policy changes and an equitable, safe, and diverse sport environment. She is also the athlete representative for the Team Canada Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Alliance.
This event is free for the public and no registration required. Please join us for an evening of learning and sharing!
Watch here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81714357520