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Sign up for Girls Can Rugby in Fernie!
A FREE Girls Can Rugby tryout is happening in Fernie this weekend – sign up now!
Elk Valley RFC is hosting the free Girls Can Rugby tryout for at girls aged 10-18 this Saturday, April 23. The event will take place at Prentice Park in Fernie between 10:00am-12:00pm. No previous Rugby experience is required – just sign up below.
Location: Prentice Park, Fernie
Time: 10:00pm-12:00pm
Welcoming: All girls aged 10-18: no previous Rugby experience required!
Visit our Girls Can Rugby page for more information about the day.
The Elk Valley Rugby Football Club was established in 2013 in Fernie, BC by a group of people with a shared passion for the beautiful game of Rugby. The Club and all its Members stand by the core values of Rugby: Integrity, Passion, Discipline and Respect, add a healthy dose of fun and friendship and you have the Elk Valley RFC.
Elk Valley RFC is a welcoming place for anyone who shares these values and is looking for friendship, team spirit, support, and a good excuse to run around. Come and join our Rugby family as a player, a supporter, a social member, a coach, a referee or just out of curiosity. You are welcome!
“We have a women’s team who would love to work with these girls. We provide a safe neutral space where all are accepted and welcome. Rugby is a physical activity that provides opportunities for all body types, promotes team spirit and respect for all, and allows girls to have fun and make friends.” Elk Valley RFC President Min Merritt
Girls Can Rugby is a province-wide initiative launched by BC Rugby aimed at inspiring more girls to play Rugby in a positive and enjoyable environment at local Clubs throughout BC.
Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8th, BC Rugby Clubs from Campbell River to Fort St John hosted a Girls Can Rugby Day – a free tryout welcoming all girls aged 5-14 – which was enjoyed by over 600 girls!
In the year of the Women’s Rugby World Cup, we want to see more girls under the age of 14 playing Rugby in a positive environment at Clubs in the province. This age range is traditionally dominated by male players. We aim to readdress this balance and encourage more girls-only programming offered by Clubs going forward.