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You Belong Here – LGBTQ+ Workshop
You Belong Here helps leaders and practitioners understand the critical role Belonging has in the recruitment and retention of people of all identities, abilities, cultures, faiths, histories, and motivations. Utilising The Belonging Framework, learners will focus on the 3 pillars – INVITED, WELCOMED, and INCLUDED – and explore theory, complete collaborative activities, and apply the framework in a variety of areas such as programming, facilities, staff development, marketing, resources, collaborations, and assessment to create a more inclusive and equitable participant experience. Via Zoom, founder of Bonobo Consulting Marc Iturriaga will introduce your team to The Belonging Framework focused on the recruitment and retention of LGBTQ+ participants. We will explore the barriers that lead LGBTQ+ athletes to feel like they do not belong in sport. Finally, through guided discussion, we will discuss strategies and actions that sports organisations can take to help LGBTQ+ athletes feel invited, welcomed and included within their organisation.