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World Rugby Level 1 – NCCP Community Initiation
Are you interested in learning how to become a Rugby Coach?
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) was developed by Coaches Association of Canada (CAC) and is the recognized standard for coach training and certification in Canada. NCCP workshops are designed to meet the needs of all types of coaches, from the first-time community coach to the head coach of a national team.
This course, “World Rugby Level 1 – NCCP Community Initiation,” is designed to enable coaches to acquire basic skills so that players new to the game learn to play safely, with enjoyable competition. It is an 8 hour Trained Only course with no post-course evaluation.
Course modules include: game knowledge, principles of play, development of skills, planning and demonstration, player management, ethical decision making and a review of the Rugby Ready and Safety in Contact programs.
*This course requires prerequisites. Prior to registration coaches must complete the following:
- NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (https://coach.ca/nccp-multi-sport-training-modules)
- WR Rugby Ready (https://passport.world.rugby/)
- WR Concussion Management for the General Public (https://passport.world.rugby/)
- WR Beginner’s Guide to Rugby (https://passport.world.rugby/)
- WR Introduction to Coaching (https://passport.world.rugby/)
- WR Coaching Children (https://passport.world.rugby/)
World Rugby Level 1 – NCCP Community Initiation
Date: Saturday, January 21, 2023
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: Yale Secondary School, 34620 Old Yale Rd, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 7S6
Registration (via Rugby Canada): Click here